
Ecopsychology & Community

Essential Oils: The Essence of Clean and Well-being

The early Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau somewhat inspire our philosophy at Koala Eco. Followers of this movement believed immersion in the sights, sounds and smells...

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toxin free, plant based, non toxic, natural, essential oils, eco friendly, earth safe, cleaning, biodegradable

How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean With an All-Natural Bathroom Cleaner

It’s unfortunate, but a lot of the time we don’t think into what we’re actually cleaning our bathrooms with. Many of us will see an irresistible...

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toxin free, plant based, non toxic, natural, essential oils, eco friendly, earth safe, cleaning, biodegradable

What Are Essential Oils In Cleaning and Why Should We Be Using Them?

It’s unfortunate, but a lot of the time we don’t think into what we’re actually cleaning our bathrooms with. Many of us will see an irresistible...

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Why it’s Important for Women/Mothers With a Small Business to Stick Together

Why it’s Important for Women/Mothers With a Small Business to Stick Together

Running a small business is something that can bring about such an overwhelming sense of achievement and triumph to your day. At the same time, it...

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Making the most of the great indoors: how a winter home can be a healthy home

Making the most of the great indoors: how a winter home can be a healthy home

As the months get colder and more wintry, there will still be some intrepid families who are determined to make the most of the great...

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Koala Eco says no to chemicals - the future of sustainable business interview by November Twelve

Koala Eco says no to chemicals - the future of sustainable business interview by November Twelve

This article was first published at The Green Leaders Series brings you the stories of a new breed of Australian businesses that have sustainability at their core....

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KOALA ECO launches a scrubbing brush made from sustainable bamboo

KOALA ECO launches a scrubbing brush made from sustainable bamboo

If you’ve been with us so far on Koala Eco’s journey to make cleaning products that won't harm your family, your pets or the planet,...

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Aquabumps Feature KOALA ECO

Aquabumps Feature KOALA ECO

Meet Jessica Bragdon, originally from the States, she grew up in Boston and New Hampshire. Lived in NYC for a big chunk of her life...

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How our Fruit and Vegetable Wash can clean up ‘the Dirty Dozen’ (or why that innocent-looking strawberry might not be so innocent)

How our Fruit and Vegetable Wash can clean up ‘the Dirty Dozen’ (or why that innocent-looking strawberry might not be so innocent)

Next time you buy strawberries, watch out. You might be getting a bit more than you bargained for. According to The Environmental Working Group’s annual...

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Introducing our new (and divine-smelling) Natural Hand Wash: Lemon Scented Eucalyptus and Rosemary

Introducing our new (and divine-smelling) Natural Hand Wash: Lemon Scented Eucalyptus and Rosemary

If you’ve ever run your hands through a bush of beautiful aromatic rosemary then you will understand why we’re so excited to be bringing you...

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