Essentially cleansing the home, body and mind.

Essentially cleansing the home, body and mind.

Essential oils are the key ingredient to every Koala Eco product. For the past five years we’ve loved exploring new combinations of oils to offer you the most effective and aromatic results, both for cleaning and for wellbeing. 

Literally the ‘essence’ of the plant, essential oils are the highly concentrated compounds secreted in the bark, leaf or fruit. For thousands of years, humankind has made both a science and an art of understanding and harvesting these oils for the powerful benefits they bring. As we seek to live more mindfully (for our own and the planet’s sake) and reduce our reliance on synthetic products for our daily needs, this ancient wisdom is relevant today as it has ever been. Not only first-class at killing bacteria and banishing microbes, these essential oils are also celebrated for their health- and mood-enhancing properties.     

Take Eucalyptus Radiata Australiana {Eucalyptus radiata} for example, which appears in our bathroom cleaner. Eucalyptus is a natural decongestant, so the essential oil helps to clear the airways. Peppermint {Mentha piperita} features in many of our products, from our glass cleaner to our hand and body lotion. Refreshing and revitalising, the crisp scent of peppermint stimulates memory and concentration while alleviating headaches. The lavender and lemon mix of Rosalina {Melaleuca ericifolia} is renowned for its nerve-soothing properties; while another favourite of ours, Mandarin {Citrus reticulata} is nature’s perfect pick-me-up, its scent promoting happiness, contentment and calm. 

Our philosophy at Koala Eco is somewhat inspired by the early Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Followers of this movement believed immersion in the sights, sounds and smells of nature to be a deeply spiritual and enriching experience. We agree. So while these 100% pure essential oils in our products are getting to work on eliminating grease, dirt and dust mite allergens, the aromas they release are helping you breathe in all the goodness, purity, and healing power of nature.

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