The Therapeutic Benefits of Cleaning

The Therapeutic Benefits of Cleaning

Of all the adjectives you might associate with household chores, it’s unlikely that the word ‘therapeutic’ would come immediately to mind. There’s perhaps a tendency to regard home cleaning as repetitive, off-putting, a bit of an imposition on leisure time maybe, somewhat boring. In any case, it’s not something you’d actively look forward to doing, and with the ingredients commonly found in mainstream cleaning agents—such as ammonia or artificial fragrance—these are certainly not the tasks you’d want to linger over. 

But what if your household cleaners contained natural ingredients, celebrated specifically for their mood-enhancing and health-boosting powers, as well as their forceful cleaning properties? What if, while you cleaned your house or did the laundry, you were also infusing your rooms and fabrics, and breathing in plant aromas beneficial to alertness or relaxation, a clear head or a good night’s sleep? For example, with pure essential oils derived from botanicals like Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Lemon Scented Iron Bark, Lemon Myrtle, peppermint, lavender and rosemary? 

When we started Koala Eco, our idea was not only to make safe, plant-based cleaning products that wouldn’t harm people, pets or the planet, but also to offer the intangible yet deeply therapeutic outcomes of using these essential oils on a regular basis. We’d learned for ourselves the benefit of practising a more mindful and ethical lifestyle: one where we made healthier choices not only for our family but also for the environment. And so we saw a way of sharing those benefits through Koala Eco, enabling people to discover, as we had, that when you carry out daily tasks like cleaning or washing the dishes, it’s smarter, easier and way more pleasurable to embrace the kind-natured strength of plant-based, non-toxic and cruelty-free cleaning products. 

At the very least, these choices lead to safe, effective cleaning, but the therapeutic benefits of the essential oils, together with their divine aromas, add a whole other sensory dimension to household chores. As well as being incredibly effective antiseptics and antioxidants, the properties of the essential oils we use for Koala Eco are understood to promote healing and wellbeing. 

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