
Ecopsychology & Community

Essential Oils: The Essence of Clean and Well-being

The early Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau somewhat inspire our philosophy at Koala Eco. Followers of this movement believed immersion in the sights, sounds and smells...

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How trees can teach us self-compassion

How trees can teach us self-compassion

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about self-judgement, about how harshly many of us, myself included tend to judge what we feel to be failings...

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The more we return to nature, the more we seek to protect it.

The more we return to nature, the more we seek to protect it.

Along with fostering a deep connection with nature, creating eco-friendly products that are gentle to the environment is the cornerstone of everything we do here...

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Feeling blue? Going green (and blue) with nature therapy can improve your mental health

Feeling blue? Going green (and blue) with nature therapy can improve your mental health

The inextricable link between nature and mental health  We’ve all experienced the sense of calm that accompanies floating in a peaceful lake, the awe that...

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A sensory experience in every spray; learn about the ingredients in our natural surface cleaners

A sensory experience in every spray; learn about the ingredients in our natural surface cleaners

Representing the unity of age-old botanical wisdom and contemporary scientific research, our natural surface cleaners harness the benefits of some of nature’s most potent aromatic...

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What makes our Laundry range so effective? Learn more about our ingredients.

What makes our Laundry range so effective? Learn more about our ingredients.

Harnessing the natural power of enzymes to effectively eliminate stains and odours When it comes to household and personal care products, we’ve long been advocates...

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International Women's Day 2023

International Women's Day 2023

On one level, it’s a lovely idea that there’s a special day each year across the world where women are fore-grounded and celebrated: International Women’s...

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Emotional rescue: our sense of smell is the key to survival

Emotional rescue: our sense of smell is the key to survival

Apparently, birds and mammals have brains up to 10 times larger, relative to body size, than those of reptiles and other animals’ ( We do...

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How to spend time in nature with your dog

How to spend time in nature with your dog

For most dogs, spending time in nature comes, well… naturally. Just like we reap the mental and physical benefits of time spent in nature, dogs...

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The best essential oils for dogs

The best essential oils for dogs

The wild and wondrous aromatherapeutic properties of pure botanical essential oils aren’t merely reserved for humans, with our furry four-legged friends also able to benefit...

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