
Ecopsychology & Community

Essential Oils: The Essence of Clean and Well-being

The early Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau somewhat inspire our philosophy at Koala Eco. Followers of this movement believed immersion in the sights, sounds and smells...

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The significance of sanctuary and memory

The significance of sanctuary and memory

A recent holiday with Paul and our two sons resulted not only in some hours spent in nature by all of us but also for...

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A walk on the wild side in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona

A walk on the wild side in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona

If you’ve been part of the Koala Eco community for any length of time, you’re probably well aware that this is an enterprise with a...

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The unexpected link between cleaning and mental health

The unexpected link between cleaning and mental health

It’s often said that cleanliness is next to godliness, however, the benefits of cleaning extend far beyond the final product. While cleaning is often viewed...

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Featured in the O List!

Featured in the O List!

January is barely halfway through, yet already 2023 has started in a truly stellar way at Koala Eco: with an endorsement for our safe, powerful,...

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Make nature your healing wonderland

Make nature your healing wonderland

For all of our Koala Eco community who are braving a cold northern hemisphere winter, this one’s for you! Adrienne, managing director of our US...

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Greet the new year with More Nature

Greet the new year with More Nature

“Verde que te quiero verde. Verde viento. Verdes ramas.”   “Green I want you green. Green wind, green boughs.”   Such passionate lines from the...

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A letter from our Co-Founders

A letter from our Co-Founders

As 2022 comes to a close, we wanted to pause for a moment to reflect on all the things that have been happening at Koala...

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Literature about the Natural World

Literature about the Natural World

A good book goes far beyond education, providing an escape from the present. Transporting readers to far-flung lands and times long past or yet to...

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The wellness trap: Learning to reduce guilt and make your own meaningful choices.

The wellness trap: Learning to reduce guilt and make your own meaningful choices.

This is a difficult topic to address, but one I’ve been thinking about a lot, and really want to try to unpack. It involves a...

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