Down Under Enterprises

Down Under Enterprises

We pride ourselves on the fact we use the most beautiful essential oils from Australia’s native plants. But where do they come from? 

From Down Under Enterprises, that’s where. Headquartered in Sydney like us, this is company that grows, produces and supplies wholesale Australian essential oils to other companies all over the globe. For nearly 20 years, Down Under has been growing traceable and sustainable Australian essential oils and botanicals on its own farm, Buhlambar, and partnering with a pool of small independent growers across Australia. 

Down Under’s farms are all natural, harvest rainwater and use 100% renewable energy. Not only that, but Down Under has also established a eucalyptus ‘koala corridor’ on its farms, so that this wonderful animal, so badly affected with habitat loss even before the catastrophic 2019-20 fire season, can find better places to be. 

With sustainability at the heart of their working practices, Down Under’s ethos and values are a perfect fit for KOALA ECO. The range and quality of the oils they supply, and the way they work make us proud to be using their products in ours.

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