Lou Bannister

Lou Bannister

Lou Bannister, mum of three, co-founder and editorial director of Lunch Lady Magazine, and occasional skateboarder, reveals why her relationship with nature is one of the most important things in her life.

What’s your favourite thing to do in nature?

I have a deep love for rainforests and whenever I get a chance to visit one, I do. I also love walking my dog in nature. I know what a privilege it is to have so much nature around me, where I live, and I make sure I get out amongst it as much as possible.

Describe your connection to nature: what positives does it bring to your life? 

I’m a busy person and nature allows me to ground myself mentally and switch off. If I’m in a rainforest especially, I can feel my whole body change. It’s incredible how nature can make you feel.

What are your fondest memories of spending time in nature? 

As a kid I spent five years in Africa and I’ve never forgotten our big yard, or the huge tree in the corner where my sister and I would play nature-based games for hours. Being sent outside to play was, I realise now, a gift. I also recently went mountain biking, which was so fun, and such a different way for me to experience nature. My goal one day is to do a vision quest, where you head into nature for four nights with nothing but a tarp and some water. Can you imagine what your relationship with nature would be after that?

Many of us are time-poor and might not get out into nature as much as we’d like. Any suggestions for a quick nature-based pick-me up? Something sensory, experiential…?

I love the idea of a ‘sit spot.’ Can be anywhere. You head there everyday for 10 minutes and you get to know your sit spot. You see how it changes throughout the seasons. What birds come to visit, what animals are nearby, which trees flower at different times. I think this kind of sitting is so hard, but so important to do if we are to truly connect with what is happening to our planet. 


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