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What does YOUR favourite ‘hour in nature’ look and feel like?

‘We need the tonic of wildness…[w]e can never have enough of nature.’ Henry David Thoreau wrote this about 170 years ago, in his narrative about a two-year experiment of living in and off nature close to a secluded lake in the US. Thoreau’s book Walden; or, life in the woods articulated the central belief of Transcendentalism: that immersion in nature is a deeply spiritual, healing and sustaining experience.

What does immersion in nature feel like for YOU? What’s your favourite thing to do in nature, how does it enrich your life? Do you have a favourite memory, sound or smell? Is there an animal or plant you’ve always felt drawn to and can you explain why? Has there been a situation where nature overawes you? What do you do to bring nature into your home?

In celebration of our milestone 50 ‘hours in nature’ conversations, we want to kick off the next 50 by hearing from you, our Koala Eco community.  Tell us about YOUR connection to nature, and feel free to use the questions we’ve asked as a prompt. If you like, send us photos or videos to accompany your words. We’ll share these on social media.

Just write to us at
We can’t wait to hear from you!

Koala Eco Journal

Caterpillar Obsessed

This could be our best third party endorsement yet for Koala Eco! Apparently, most caterpillars are pretty fussy. They can tell from the smell, taste and texture whether a leaf...

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Pure Gold: 50 Hours in Nature

Just recently, we realised that we’d clocked up an incredible 50 interviews in our ‘ An hour in nature’ series: conversations with people we’ve encountered on our Koala Eco journey...

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