
Ecopsychology & Community

Essential Oils: The Essence of Clean and Well-being

The early Transcendentalists like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau somewhat inspire our philosophy at Koala Eco. Followers of this movement believed immersion in the sights, sounds and smells...

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Consolation, solidarity and kindness in the time of COVID-19

Consolation, solidarity and kindness in the time of COVID-19

Daily, in my inbox. Email messages from siblings, cousins, friends, retail companies, banks, universities I’ve attended, organisations I’m a member of, all expressing similar sentiments....

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Down Under Enterprises

Down Under Enterprises

We pride ourselves on the fact we use the most beautiful essential oils from Australia’s native plants. But where do they come from? From Down Under...

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With the recent fires, it’s hard not to be thinking about the impact we all have on the planet. Read below to see how we...

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We're really excited to be releasing our All Natural Lemon Scented Eucalyptus and Rosemary Laundry. It’s perfect for both front and top loaders. Ultra-concentrated and...

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Some of our Favourite Australian Essential Oils and why we use them

Some of our Favourite Australian Essential Oils and why we use them

We’ve written many articles about essential oils, the importance of them and how we use them in our cleaning products.  However, one topic, which we’d...

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Spring or Autumn? Koala Eco has cleaners for all seasons

Spring or Autumn? Koala Eco has cleaners for all seasons

Maybe it’s Spring, maybe it’s Autumn: whatever you call this time of year, this is when—in the southern hemisphere at least—the weather gets colder and...

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How ‘natural’ are natural fragrances?

How ‘natural’ are natural fragrances?

What exactly does it mean when a product is advertised with natural fragrance? Whenever you see the words, ‘made with natural fragrances’, you should always...

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Can cleaning be an aromatherapy experience?

Can cleaning be an aromatherapy experience?

Many of our customers say that once they’ve begun using our Koala Eco toxic-free cleaning products, their attitude towards cleaning changes.  They feel reinvigorated mentally...

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First, do no harm

First, do no harm

Koala Eco is a family-owned business, based in Sydney Australia.. ‘Do no harm’ is a bit of a personal mantra for us. We simply don’t...

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