Planet vs. Plastics: a worthy theme for Earth Day 2024

Planet vs. Plastics: a worthy theme for Earth Day 2024

An environmental movement that began in the States in 1970 has become the largest civic event on Earth. According to organisers, Earth Day now takes place across 192 countries and involves billions of people in the shared quest to safeguard our planet and fight for a better future. 

Every 22nd April offers an opportunity to focus on how we can all contribute to a healthier and happier world, environmentally speaking. This year’s theme is Planet vs. Plastics, reaffirming’s demand for a 60% reduction in plastic production by 2040, and the elimination of single-use plastics. It’s ambitious, but surely not impossible, if we can all co-operate in lobbying governments and manufacturers and, most importantly, improving our own habits. 

One of the things that we’re proudest of since we began Koala Eco was our switch in 2019 to rPET bottles for our products, meaning that we would not be responsible for any new plastic bottles being made. Basically, rPET is plastic recycled from plastic and has a far lower carbon footprint than virgin PET. To date, we’ve avoided 3.1 million bottles of new plastic being made. We also try to highlight the benefits of buying our refill sizes, and opting for glass bottles. Many of our products also come in concentrated form.

There will always be things we can improve on, as individuals and as a business, and wherever we can, we promise to do our best.

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