A Letter From The Co-Founders

A Letter From The Co-Founders

Since we were last in touch, there have been some exciting developments for KOALA ECO. We’ve welcomed two new additions to our team, we are close to launching two new products, Mandarin and Peppermint Laundry Wash and Rosalina and Peppermint Body Wash, and we are also looking into the use of glass bottles to take refills of our products.

So first up, it’s a pleasure to introduce you to Steven Daniel, our Director of Sales and Operations and Claire Dalziel, our Commercial Director. We are so delighted to have these talented individuals on board to help us steer KOALA ECO forward.  

Steven has spent his career helping high-end retail clients launch and grow their brands, and he has particular expertise in distribution and logistics. His favourite Koala Eco product is the Lemon Scented Eucalyptus and Rosemary Laundry Wash, not least because “the essential oils permeate the entire house when you do a load of washing.” Presumably his choice gets the paws-up from a certain pair of formidable mini-Dachshunds as well. As Steven happily admits, Olive and Rolex are in total command of his life! 

Claire has worked internationally in marketing, branding and design, and she discovered Koala Eco after moving back home to Australia last year. As someone obsessed with design, Claire says it was love at first sight as far as the brand visuals were concerned “not to mention how impressed I was that the products worked so effectively and were an absolute pleasure to use, thanks to the beautiful Australian essential oils.” Claire’s favourite from our range is the Stainless Steel Cleaner: “the peppermint is amazingly refreshing and it is so satisfying to get the kitchen looking really polished and shiny.”

Steven and Claire are both with us not only because of their expertise, but also because of their belief in KOALA ECO’s core values. So on that note, here's a quick word about why, every time a customer buys a KOALA ECO product, it triggers a donation to environmental charity 1% for the Planet.  

Our relationship with this charity has been incredibly important to us ever since we started KOALA ECO. Paul and I reasoned that if we use nature to make our products, then we should reciprocate by giving something back to nature and the planet. 1% for the Planet’s vision is “all together for the planet”: providing a channel for philanthropic support from donor individuals and organisations (of which Koala Eco is one) direct to environmental organisations working for a healthy planet. So far, they’ve raised an amazing US$275M. It’s such a simple idea, and so easy to support. As Yvon Chouinard, 1% for the Planet co-founder says: “to do good, you actually have to do something.” This is our way of “doing something.”

We’ve also been looking at packaging. Our 100% rPET bottles (recycled with materials sourced from the good old Aussie kerbside) save about 1,750 kg of virgin plastic each month. We think glass bottles would be a beautiful option for decanting popular refill products like hand wash or dish soap, so we are working on getting this organised.

Finally, we’ve been discovering the feel-good benefits of bringing a pet into the office, in the shape of Matilda, our very chilled and gentle Aussie Shepherd. We’ve always loved this breed for its warmth and intelligence and basically, just with her presence, Matilda helps create a soothing and peaceful work environment.  

- Jess and Paul, Co-Founders

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